Raising awareness for family mental health

Do you remember when Robin Williams died? A friend of mine wrote a caption on Facebook, “the tears of a clown.” Reading that took my breath away. It really bothered me, to think of how much joy Robin Williams had brought to people all over the world through his brilliant acting and comedic timing and generosity. Yet, he was hurting so badly under the surface that he took his own life to escape the pain.

Did you know…

• More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart
disease AIDS, birth defects, pneumonia, influenza and chronic lung disease, combined.

• Suicide is the second leading cause of death for children and young people ages 10-14.

Mental health awareness has never been more urgent. In a given year, estimates show one in four adults and approximately 20 percent of teenagers experience mental illness. Sadly, many never get the help they need. Many families simply do not recognize the signs or know where to turn to for help. So the problem goes undetected and untreated, often leading to a lifetime of pain and suffering for the person struggling and everyone around them. The lack of awareness is literally killing us. But, with awareness, we have the power to change. Because realities change when cultures change and the reality is that mental illness is Real, Painful, but most of all, TREATABLE.

(Source: NAMI)

Last year I joined the board of UMCH Family Services, which is a ministry of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. I became familiar with the organization through their foster care and adoptive parenting programs. But in truth, I was very surprised to learn of the excellent work that is being done around family mental health services.

You could say UMCH Family Services is on a mission to change the cultural attitude toward mental illness. In an effort to create widespread awareness that HOPE and Help are available, the organization is launching Change Your Hue of Blue.

The first event of this mission will be a Blues Music Benefit Concert.

The main goal of Change Your Hue of Blue is to create a reality in our own backyard where we go from lack of awareness about mental illness to a widespread open dialog; from families being weakened,  to that of an understanding there is effective mental health management available. UMCH Family Services serve the needs of many families and children around Ohio who experience mental health issues. These families and children now have a better chance at a stronger, more secure family structure and a brighter future.

Why the name Change your Hue of Blue? We want to change the idea of blue
meaning sadness and depression to that of serenity and peace. I believe this issue
is urgent and important.

The Blues Benefit Concert is Saturday May 2, at the Northland Performing Arts Center — featuring top blues musicians from across the country. Tickets can be purchased online at www.umchohio.org

Please remember, with proper diagnosis, mental health is often completely treatable. Sharing this information may save a life.